Why "The Search for..."?

I got my title from the book The Search for Delicious by Natalie Babbitt. where there is a wonderful quote--

" 'Of course it's silly,' said the Prime Minister impatiently. 'But a lot of serious things start silly.'"

This particular quote stuck out for me as I was reading The Search for Delicious to my kids this past fall, and I put it aside knowing that I would use it somewhere, sometime. It seems like the perfect subtitle to this blog as many of my musing probably are silly, but may turn serious at any moment!

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

PB Peanut Butter?

I spent a lot of time wondering if I should include picture books here, or if I should take notes on them some other way.  I really write in this blog space for me to keep track of what I read, so I can potentially use books in my teaching.  Since I'm currently looking for picture books that I could potentially use as I teach grammar, writing and literature, I'll record them here along with the books for middle schoolers to independently read. Of course, since I love a good picture book, I would never deny my students that pleasure, but they definitely DON'T count toward their books totals.

So, when you see an entry marked PB, it does not have anything to do with peanut butter; it stands for picture books!

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